Understanding cancer and its treatments

  • Macmillan Professionals

Duration: 1 day
Format: Face-to-Face
Level: Foundation
Focusing on core knowledge and skills, and looking at how to apply some of the learning in your workplace.

The changing cancer environment
We offer an array of fundamental courses that will help you negotiate difficult situations and improve your understanding of cancer care's ever-changing landscape.

QR code for Understanding cancer and its treatments

Explore the fundamentals of cancer prevention, early detection, investigation, staging and treatment options.

Course objectives

Develop a clear understanding of the nature of cancer.

  • Describe the biological nature of cancer in basic terms.
  • Discuss the risk factors for developing cancer.
  • List the potential signs for common cancers, eg breast, prostate, bowel, lung and skin cancer.
  • Discuss staging of different cancers and investigations to stage and diagnose cancer.
  • Describe the main treatment options for cancer.

Intended audience

Any Macmillan professional from a non-clinical background who wants to develop an understanding of cancer.


Macmillan-led course.

Request your place

This course is only available to Macmillan Professionals.

Although Macmillan Cancer Support will not charge Macmillan Professionals for this event, please bear in mind that the charity incurs charges for cancellations and no-shows. Please seek permission to attend from your line manager or team if necessary before submitting your form.

Step 1

Select your preferred date and location for the Understanding cancer and its treatments course.

No courses available at this time

Step 2

Please provide your details and any special requirements. We will contact you regarding your booking.


Additional Information

Statement: By submitting this form, I agree to notify Macmillan Cancer Support no later than 7 days prior to the event that I am unable to attend for any reason and at the earliest possible opportunity in the event of emergency.