Resources suitable for professionals working in the field of Information and Support.

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MQuISS® support and guidance

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  • Macmillan Professionals
The changing cancer environment

Supporting you with the Macmillan Quality in Information and Support Services (MQuISS®) standards. A one-stop-shop of information, guidance and other resources.


New evidence gathering tool for Cancer Information and Support Services

New tool to help Cancer Information and Support Services (CISS) gather evidence for MQuISS®

Published on

Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression video

A new video to help raise patient awareness of Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression, its symptoms and when to take action.

Published on

MQuISS® Top Tips

Six top tips for getting the best out of MQuISS®.

Published on

Publications Directory

The web directory of resources for people affected by cancer is updated daily and currently has details of over 2,000 booklets, leaflets, books and audio-visual materials published by cancer charities (including Macmillan Cancer Support), government departments and commercial publishers.

Most were published in the last five years, but we have included some older resources that are still useful.

You can search by any word in the record, including author, publisher, title and subject keywords, and MAC code. There are links from the MAC code to the relevant page on Be.Macmillan, to help you order Macmillan publications. There are also links to the full document (where available) and, for books, to the reviews written by Macmillan volunteers.

For more information, e-mail Sue Hawkins.


If you would like access to the main database that supports the web directory, please e-mail Sue Hawkins to request a user login. This database has over 5,200 records, including resources that are more than five years old, out of print, or that do not have a publication date. You can search it as a guest user but the results will be the same as the web directory so we recommend a user login.


Stacks are collections of related resources. Working through a stack provides a wealth of information on a particular topic.