Herts & West Essex STP CCR Training

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Suitable for:

  • Professionals

Format: Blended (Off & Online)

For healthcare professionals who have attended the Hertfordshire and West Essex Sustainability & Transformation Partnership (STP) 1-Day, Cancer Care Review Training.

You play a key role in your patients care and are in a position to positively effect patient experience and potentially their clinical outcomes by performing effective holistic cancer care reviews in primary care.

These additional modules are aimed at providing you with more detailed information and resources to assist in the execution of holistic cancer care reviews. We hope you find the resources and additional learning helpful. Completion of these modules is not mandatory, however it may help to reinforce what you have learnt at the one day face to face cancer care review training.

The aim is that after completing the 1 day Cancer Care Review training course and online modules the attendees will have:

  • Increased knowlegde of cancer and its treatments
  • Effective assessment and care planning skills
  • Awareness of support provision and signposting
  • Awareness of the need for supporting self managment
  • Effective and empathethetic communication skills

The course also meets some the RCGP Practice Nurse Competencies which

"require practice nurses to have a working knowledge of cancers, their impact upon patients and carers and the ways in which they may manifest in Primary Care and assist in diagnosis monitoring and treatment as appropriate"

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