Updated 2015 L&D offer for Macmillan professionals

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New learning and development programme for 2015 covers five themed frameworks.

We've listened carefully to the feedback from our professionals on our L&D offer this year.

We're pleased to be able to share that we've now developed the programme so it covers five new frameworks:

  • Wellbeing and emotional resilience
  • Leadership and change
  • Living with the impact of cancer
  • Knowledge and skills in a changing cancer environment
  • Palliative and end of life care

We'll be sending Macmillan professionals more details in the next issue of Mac Mail, as well as an updated national course listing in February.

We have a range of courses scheduled over the next few months. Particular highlights are courses on Working with Bereaved Children, Introduction to Service Improvement Skills, Presentation Skills, The Self-aware Leader and Mindfulness.

Whichever route Macmillan professionals would like to explore first, all the information is available on the new LearnZone page for Macmillan Professionals.

Or jump straight to the latest list of courses:

Upcoming UK-wide Courses