The Impact of Building Research Partnerships

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It's an exciting time for Macmillan's innovative research partnerships approach.

We are pleased to announce that our learning resources are now available to download for free at

Also we are very excited to announce that in England, the Clinical Research Network will be using Macmillan's successful Building Research Partnerships model to support public involvement across their Networks using Macmillan's resources, which are relevant to any type of health and social research.

We would also like to share a quick summary of a three year impact survey we carried out. We are delighted that report that 93% of professionals said that as a result of attending, their understanding of how to involve the public in research has increased. Similarly 73% of the public who attended said their involvement in research has increased since attending the course. We have produced a poster to summarise this information.

Macmillan would like to thank Edward Parkinson for volunteering many hours of his time to support us with collecting and analysing this information.

Finally, I would like to add a personal note:

Today is my last day at Macmillan as I am moving to Melbourne. I would like to thank everyone who has worked to support Macmillan with Building Research Partnerships. I look forward to reading from Australia how the UK is leading the world in public involvement in research!

Jack Nunn @JackNunn
Partnerships Development Co-ordinator
Macmillan Cancer Support