Over 100,000 people of working age are diagnosed with cancer each year. Employers need to understand the issues facing someone with a cancer diagnosis, both during treatment and afterwards on their return to work.
Our cancer and work resources will give you the information you need.
Have a look at two of our recently updated courses:
Cancer in the workplace: Managers
Aimed at line managers and those in occupational health and HR.
This course will help you in supporting staff who have had a cancer diagnose or are recovering from cancer. It also makes you aware of the needs of an employee caring for someone with cancer. The course guides you through the legal implications, shows you how to respond confidently and with sensitivity, and signposts you to useful sources of information.
Cancer in the workplace: union reps
Developed for union representatives in conjunction with unionlearn and the TUC.
This course gives you the tools to ensure your workers are treated in accordance with legislation and with respect and dignity. It will give you confidence when approaching sensitive issues such as confidentiality, carers' concerns and returning to work after treatment.
For further e-learning resources, including those for health professionals and occupational therapists, have a look at the cancer and work stack.